All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Here we go...

So much has been going on over the last few weeks and as i haven't updated in a while, i don't really know where to start. Lets see.....

* Ben
- is pulling himself up on everything
- has 3 and a half teeth (Ben doesn't handle pain well, am wishing he was born with a full set of teeth at the moment :)
- is starting to stand on his own at times
- can hold his bottle all by himself now
- tried chocolate for the first time today... wow what a mess! It somehow ended up in his ears and up his nose..... (Poppa thinks he was saving some for later, hmmm)

* Connor
- had athletics day last week, he came first in the 100m, 2nd in the 60m and 3rd in the 200m
- is such a great big brother, Ben is so lucky!
- caught a huge trevally today, is turning

out to be a really good fisherman like his Poppa.
- is really enjoying his drama lessons
- has just found out his new Soccer team is called the "Eastlake Eagles"

* Cam
- is well and truly into production rehearsals now and he is really enjoying it, they are doing the "Wedding Singer" this year.
- his back pain has improved heaps thanks to physio
- completed a 10k run, next aim is a half marathon - Go Cam!
- is really enjoying being a "Dadda"
- is preparing himself for the Easter Fishing Competition at Waihi Beach

* Anna
- has started looking after her friends two boys everyday, Rydn 6 and Ngakau 5.
- finally got her hair cut 6 months later, after 3 cancelled appointments, yay!
- is looking forward to being an Aunty in September!!!
- can't wait to go camping at Easter and to see Mama and Papa


  1. Wonderful - lots of excitement going on at your place!! I love the pic of Ben with the chocolate, watch out world, sounds like he'll be running in no time ;). Connor sounds like a speedy young man, what an athlete! And a fisherman! Hope he brought some home for you to gobble up for tea!
    Glad Cam's back is feeling better, nothing like horrible back pain to ruin your day.

    Congrats on the hair cut, I know just what a major it is to get your hair done! (I still haven't managed to make my appointment, I've cancelled two so far!).

    When is Ben's first birthday? Must be coming up really soon!! I can't believe Jarvis will be one this time next

    Take care guys! xxx

  2. oh wow yes lots going on in the Hay household!! im missing out on alot!! cant wait to see you all in May!! :) Tell connor I am posting a Easter Card to him tomorrow so he will need to start looking in the mail next week!! love you all xxxxxooooo have you deceided on a cake for Bens 1st bday?? what are you plans for the day so far??
