All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fun and games with Ben.

The last few days have been really interesting with Ben. He now has 4 teeth, but that wasn't what all the fun was about. Poor little Ben has had inflamed, red tonsils and a sore ear and trying to get him to have his 3 different types of medicine has been like performing an act in the circus! Orange sticky antibiotics sprayed everywhere and at 3 O'Clock in the morning that is not fun, and he has decided to start spiting out the yummy pink pamol he usually likes everywhere too. Then there is the drops we are suppose to put in his nose before every feed so he can breathe through his nose. That requires 2 people to hold him down. Crazy. What a little Toad! Can't wait till he his better!


  1. Oh dear! Sounds like you guys are having quite an interesting week...Sending lots of love & get well wishes!

  2. Far out, you are so fast with your comments Kathleen! Thanks for your love and wishes, he woke up from his morning sleep much more like himself today so here's hoping he is on the mend!

  3. Oh yes, I am a super fast commenter ;) Happened to be sitting here wasting time when you posted - probably should have been cleaning the house instead...He he he..
