All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Friday, August 14, 2009

Connor and Ben

A little up date on the little Hay boys.  Connor had an excellent parent interview the other day, he is doing really well in school. He is reading at 7 - 8.5 years so we are very proud of him.  Ben is growing up really fast, not only is he giggling now (at very select times) but he is also trying to roll over and he is now using his jolly jumper as you can see in the video clip.  He reminds me of Kermit the Frog dancing.  Oh and the best thing is that he slept through the night a couple of days ago, what a pity his big brother woke up twice that night!!!! Poor Mum!

1 comment:

  1. oh wow very clever Connor you are getting awesome at maths!! I can understand why your mum and cam are proud of you!!! love you lots xxx ooo
