All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Monday, August 24, 2009

This week at Mark Place

Connor won player of the day on Saturday for Soccer.  He played so well, we were really proud of him.  After Soccer Cam and Connor made a gutterboard out of some of the left over wood from the deck.  Ben has not been himself this week.  As soon as he turned 4 months old everything changed, his eating, sleeping and pooing!  I think his little system is trying to get used to all the big changes.  Hopefully he will be back to normal soon.  

To Aunty Kern

Hi Keryn, Thankyou for doing your answers.  I won the trophy on saturday because i tried so hard in soccer and i almost got a goal.  I love you so much.  xxx 000

Friday, August 14, 2009


Random recent photos.


Last weekend we went to my cousins 21st in Paeroa and Connor had the opportunity to see the new born calves and sit in the tractor.  It was great catching up with the family again, its been along time since we have all been together.  The only person missing was Keryn.  Not for long though. :)

Rolling over - almost.

Connor and Ben

A little up date on the little Hay boys.  Connor had an excellent parent interview the other day, he is doing really well in school. He is reading at 7 - 8.5 years so we are very proud of him.  Ben is growing up really fast, not only is he giggling now (at very select times) but he is also trying to roll over and he is now using his jolly jumper as you can see in the video clip.  He reminds me of Kermit the Frog dancing.  Oh and the best thing is that he slept through the night a couple of days ago, what a pity his big brother woke up twice that night!!!! Poor Mum!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I learnt alot about fire places today.  We had a chimney sweep come and look at our fireplace because every time we opened the door our house would be filled with a huge cloud of smoke.  The guy cracked up when he looked at our Chimney.  It is the worst he had ever seen!  I was so embarrassed, apparently it is just a wood burner and the coal we have been using is just clogging it up.  Oops.  When he swept the Chimney our fireplace was completely packed with soot.  It was BAD!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where's Ben?

Look who's talking

Ben has really found his voice this weekend.  In fact he has talked so much that he has hardly slept during the day.  We are not sure what he is saying but it looks really important!