All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Thursday, November 10, 2011

M likes to talk :)

Con goes to camp

Connor is off to his first camp today.  He is tired already because he couldn't sleep last night. He is going to be so tired on Friday when he comes home!  Before I dropped him off at school I took a photo of him saying goodbye to his brother and sister. So cute :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Off to the Rugby!

Connor and Errol are supporting Ireland and Cam decided to be different and support Russia.  I guess you can probably see that though.....

Who turned off the hot water??

Clever Ben has found where the switch is to turn off the hot water!  So Mummy and Daddy had cold showers and Ben had a very special bath in front of the TV in Emma's baby bath!  What a monkey!!! 

Oskar turns 1

Its not easy getting all four to look at the camera!!!  

Mama and Papas visit.

We had such a nice visit from Mama and Papa last weekend!  Thank you Mama and Papa for coming to Rotorua to visit us. xxxooo

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Connors Talent Quest Item

Connor is performing in his Schools Talent Quest Heats tomorrow. He has been practicing hard and we are really proud of him. Ben is his biggest fan, he love dancing while Connor plays.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Welcome home Emma.

Emma Grace Hay

Emma Grace Hay born 3rd July 2011 at 7.47 pm. 8 pound 14.

such a beautiful wee girl.

Connor and Keryn came to visit late last night for their first cuddle

Monday, June 20, 2011

Our little girl!

Can you see her face and little hand up by her mouth? Can't wait to meet her in a few weeks. We went to the Obstetrician today and have been booked in for an induction on the 8th of July (although this may be moved forward to the 29th of June). She is perfect and healthy, just getting rather big because of my gestational diabetes. Look at those chubby cheeks!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bens Baby - "Bub Bee"

Plunket suggested that we get a baby for Ben to look after, so that when mummy is looking after his baby sister, he can look after his baby. He is a very good at looking after his "Bub bee". It is so cute.