All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Walkie Talkie Man

Ben has decided walking is the thing to do. On Tuesday he was taking a few steps every now and then but crawling was definitely the easier option, but on Wednesday crawling became old news and now whenever we look around he is standing and walking all over the place. By bedtime he was even trying to speed things up a bit and run, however his feet can't keep up with him and he ends up flat on his face in a pile of giggles. Lots of Fun! Will try to get a video today.

Toothless Wonder!

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!
I got a call from the Dental nurse yesterday, she said Connor had come to her and asked if she would take out one of his wiggly front teeth.  She asked me if it was alright to take both his wiggly front teeth out and i said that was fine.  Anyway, he came home with only one tooth removed as he told the nurse he wanted to try and get the other one out by himself.  One hour later he became the toothless wonder during a rugby tackle from his friend Ngakau.  Connor is very proud of his toothless grin and is loving his new way of talking.  Ask him to say "Silly Sausage!"

Anzac Weekend.

Ben, Cam and I had a lovely relaxing weekend at the Mount with Barb and Errol.  We went for a walk around the Mt and stopped for a picnic near the lagoon.  It was so beautiful.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Benny Boy

Happy birthday to our special little boy. We love you so much. You light up our lives and fill our hearts with love. You are beautiful.
Lots of love
from Mummy and Daddy

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Connors new hobby

We brought Connor a guitar at the beginning of the school holidays. He has already learnt to play 3 songs - smoke on the water, sunshine of your love and Mary had a little lamb. He has also learnt how to play a few chords. Must have an awesome teacher! ;)
Good on you Connor!

Family photo at a 1 year olds party

First Steps today

Ben took his first proper steps all on his own today! We are so excited. Won't be long till he will be walking around everywhere.

Bens Party

It's been a big day for Ben today. He had his first birthday party. Nan and Pop, Grandma and Grandpa, Papa, Ali and Keri were all there to celebrate with us and of course Keryn and Jarvis joined us aswell by Skype which was really cool! Ben was so lucky he got lots of really exciting presents that have been carted around, played with, dribbled on and cuddled lots already. Thankyou to everyone who shared this special day with us. XXX

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Awesome Memories!

Connor catches 2 fish!

Photos from our beach holiday

We met 2 week old Matthew, Todd and Hannahs Baby. He is so tiny! We can't believe that Ben was that small a year ago.

Easter 2010 at the beach

We had such a great holiday at the Bach with Mama and Papa and it was so nice to catch up with all my cousins and Aunties and Uncles. Although camping was a little cold and not as relaxing as we thought with two kids, nothing beats going to sleep in a tent and listening to the waves as you drift off. Thanks for a great holiday Mama and Papa!

Easter Fishing Competition 2010

Cam won first and second heaviest Trevally in this years Easter Fishing Competition at Waihi Beach. Well done Cam, we are very proud of you.