All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Friday, October 30, 2009

For Aunty Keryn

Expert Bowler

Connor had his first game of Cricket yesterday.  Being a boy who likes to be moving at all times, he found standing still and waiting for his turn a little difficult....  but he filled in time by playing air guitar on the bat, much to his team mates frustration when he forgot to run because he had to finish his guitar solo.  I thought his bowling skills were pretty amazing!  Take a look :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sitting up

Why do we naturally use really high pitched voices when we talk to babies?  Please excuse mine in this video. Haha :)  

Labour Weekend

We went to the Mt. for Labour Weekend. Ben loves the beach!  He loves standing in the sand with bare feet (with Mum or Dads help of course.)


Giggles are so difficult to get on video, we have been trying to get some to show you for ages but he doesn't like to share his giggles with the camera.

Family time

With Grandma and Grandpa.

Hi Ben

Ben is doing alot of chewing at the moment as his first tooth is on its way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009