All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Thursday, December 3, 2009

At Mum and Dads in Tauranga

Connors Story

The Haunted Story.

Once upon a time in 3 haunted houses lived Ben, Jack and Steven. On Halloween they went trick or treating. They came up to another haunted house. They rang the doorbell no one answered so they went in and they heard sounds.  They went to where the sounds were coming from.  It was coming from the curtain and the curtains were straight in front of them.  They went up to the talking curtains.  Steven opened the curtains and with a blood shot stare they saw a gigantic ghost.  It had hideous eyes, a grotesque and see-through body, a horrid face and a scary laugh.  They screamed.  Steven said get the 3 swords, that sure will kill him.  Steven came back with the 3 swords, they hit the ghost but it didn’t feel it.  They tried and tried but nothing happened.  The ghost had enough of the 3 kids in his house.  It was time to fight.  The battle was on.  Get the ghost book that has everything that kills ghosts.  I brought it, thanks Ben, the poison is in the book and I’ve got that as well said Jack.  Now all we need to do is make him drink it and I’ve got an idea said Ben, lets make it look like water.  Hey ghost are you thirsty for some water?  Yes said the ghost.  Here you go.  The ghost drank the poison and in 2 seconds he disappeared.  Well that was scary said Jack, lets go home said Steven.  Lets never go there again said Ben.  Lets tell our parents said Steven.  No lets keep it a secret.  Good idea lets say it was a story.  Good night everyone.  The End.

How Connor lost his tooth.

My Tooth

By Connor Franklin

October 6th 2009


In the holidays my tooth came out. It started off in my bed. First I fell asleep, then I woke up.  I had breakfast.  Cam noticed a bigger hole.  I finished my breakfast.  Then Mum did know the tooth was gone.  We looked in my bed, we looked in my cereal but we couldn’t find it anywhere. Then my Mum saw the tooth on the back of my pyjama t-shirt.  I am glad I found my tooth because I put it out for the tooth fairy when I went to sleep.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Connor is still Michael Jackson mad!  Almost every night he turns on the stereo in the lounge, up goes the volume and the dancing and singing begins....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Connor is such a performer, I was taking pictures of the boys to put on Xmas Cards and he decided to do a little song while we waited for Ben to be ready.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

For Aunty Keryn

Expert Bowler

Connor had his first game of Cricket yesterday.  Being a boy who likes to be moving at all times, he found standing still and waiting for his turn a little difficult....  but he filled in time by playing air guitar on the bat, much to his team mates frustration when he forgot to run because he had to finish his guitar solo.  I thought his bowling skills were pretty amazing!  Take a look :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sitting up

Why do we naturally use really high pitched voices when we talk to babies?  Please excuse mine in this video. Haha :)  

Labour Weekend

We went to the Mt. for Labour Weekend. Ben loves the beach!  He loves standing in the sand with bare feet (with Mum or Dads help of course.)


Giggles are so difficult to get on video, we have been trying to get some to show you for ages but he doesn't like to share his giggles with the camera.

Family time

With Grandma and Grandpa.

Hi Ben

Ben is doing alot of chewing at the moment as his first tooth is on its way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

The HayBroms

I thought it would be funny to turn my boys into West Brom players but it actually looks a little scary  ha ha.