All about Us...

Anna, Ben, Connor and Cam

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hello everyone, Last night we uploaded heaps of new photos from Christmas and New Year. There are quite a few so when you get to the bottom of the page you might want to click on "older posts" to see more.

We have heaps of videos to upload but Blogger is having troubles with viewing videos at the moment so i will put them on the blog when that is fixed.

Our latest news is that Ben has started to crawl - in a special Ben sort of way and Connor is 7 years old now and so much taller than he was when he was 6.... (or so he believes - 15mm overnight to be exact!)

We have just had a wonderful holiday at our parents houses and at Waihi Beach. Now we are home and we are having to baby proof our house - what a mission!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year.
Lots of love

Where's Ben?